SSL certificate stands for Secured Sockets Layer Protocol, mainly used for transmitting encrypted sensitive data between browsers and sites on the WWW.
It is very important to use the SSL certificate especially for electronic commerce (e-Commerce) or sites, where users have to register and leave their personal payment data. It makes them have no doubt that they have a safe and secure transmission of their information, coding and transmitting it. Most often, this is personal information, like confidential letters, bankcard details, and secret data of some companies.
SSL certificates come up with codification way to transport important data.
It has 3 main features:
1. It is fully private.
2. SSL protects the data by coding messages after getting the private key
3. The bridge between the Internet server and client part is authenticated.
SSL certificate uses many secure layers to protect your information. The confidentiality is ensured by the fact, that the connection is open only to those users who are aimed at. SSL uses the asymmetric encryption keys, symmetric keys and message identification codes for integrity of a written communications.
In order to properly understand the concept of cryptography, we should return to the ancient world, when the Spartans used a scytale, a wood cylinder together with an object which was consisted of a piece of parchment paper, where the generals wrote text and wrapped it in this cylinder. This kind of operation was ensuring that the information was coded within. When the second general received the message, he was using the same size wood cylinder in order to decode it. This procedure was widely used by Spartan generals, which makes them the first users of the ciphers (codes). Nowadays, human systems of cryptography can be easily decoded, that makes computers to be relied on these coding system principles and in stead of ciphers, they use algorithms to develop the codification. Those who used a coded information on the second side of this communication had to use a specific key to decode it.
There are two ways of applying the keys to make a successful encryption. is the Symmetric encryption or coding, transmitting the data, like Spartans did: a computer uses a cipher to encrypt the information, which will be sent through the Internet. Another part of this communication in obligatory way has to apply the same code to decrypt the message.
Secondly, to encrypt our message, the computer applies two kinds of ciphers to encode the data contained in it, using both keys, the public and the private one. In this instance, to decrypt the sent message, the computer that is receiving the ciphered message will need its own private key and the public key, created by the initial one. There might be other computers wishing to make a connection with the first computer that knows the public key, but the private key is known only by the first one. There is no way that someone could read the message without the private key. The key is created by dividing prime numbers to 1 and itself (e.g. 2,9,11,15…) long length. There is an incalculable number of this kind of numbers and that makes our system safe and secure.
The Secured Sockets Layer protocol allows the symmetric-key encryption, which uses a block or stream of ciphers. The working principle of the block cipher is mapping the original text into a section of ciphered text. This section could be represented as a table containing 2128 lines. Each line contains the section of the initial text and the section of the ciphered text. These kind of tables are generated and exist for each specific key.
After installing the SSR certificate, user’s browser starts to show that it uses a security protocol:
- the browser address line will change from “http” to “https”;
- a small secure lock will appear in the browser status bar, giving the sign that you are using a secure data transfer.
It is required to have a SSL certificate protocol in a way to get a good connection between the server and the browser, even if your browser can easy create connection with servers that use SSL protocol.
A SSL certificate is nothing else but a file that contains a code, which relies on your company’s sensitive details to a cryptographic cipher. The unique keys that it contains obtains the certificate and website’s possessor.
The procedure of obtaining the SSL certificate is following:
- Your company needs to create a Certificate Server Request (CSR) on its server. Once you do that, you create on the company’s server a public and a private key.
- A CSR file is sent to the Certificate Authority (CA) and contains the public key.
- The CA creates the data list matching to company’s private key, whiteout seeing it.
- The company receives the SSL Certificate
- The company uses and installing it on the company’s server, making the connection between its server and browsers risk-less. The browsers have confidence in the certificates given by trusted Certificate Authorities. In this way, the browser can trust the company’s identity that gets a SSL certificate from this CA.
- The browser can now let the user know that the company’s site is defended and he can enter his confidential personal information on it.
You will notice these different signs at a SSL Certificate secured site:
• There will be a switch on padlock.
• the “http” standard will be replaced with “https”,
• your browser address bar will change its color to green with the name of the firm.
The padlock provides all the necessary information about the certificate, if it is reliable.
Having a SSL certificate is the most powerful advantage, which allows you to protect your clients’ sensitive personal information and to have a more secured connection for other potential clients. is the best place to get the SSL certificate ever!