September, 07 2024

USB Tokens Now Mandatory for Code Signing – Get Yours Worldwide with CyberSSL!

CyberSSL has launched a game-changing service for the code signing community. We offer now worldwide delivery of USB tokens with pre-installed code signing certificates, dramatically simplifying the process for developers and organizations to comply with the latest security requirements.

Key Features of CyberSSL's New Service:

  1. Pre-installed Certificates: Each USB token comes with a code signing certificate already installed and configured.
  2. Worldwide Delivery: Available globally, subject to export regulations.
  3. Affordable Pricing: Tokens are priced just under $100, making them accessible to individual developers and small organizations.
  4. Immediate Usability: Tokens are ready to use out of the box, eliminating complex setup procedures.
  5. Compliance Guaranteed: All tokens meet the latest industry standards, including Common Criteria EAL 4+ and FIPS 140-2 Level 2 requirements.

All codesigning certificates at the following page support the new delivery service, please let us know if you have any questions regarding our services.

This innovative service addresses the challenges posed by the 2023 mandate for hardware-based storage of code signing certificates. By providing pre-configured, compliant hardware at an affordable price point, CyberSSL is ensuring that developers worldwide can easily adopt secure code signing practices.

Now, let's delve into the broader context of this development and its implications for the software development ecosystem.

Code Signing Certificates in 2023: The Evolution of Hardware Security Modules

The landscape of code signing certificates underwent a significant transformation in 2023, marking a new era in software security. This article explores the new requirements for Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) or eTokens, the reasons behind this change, and its far-reaching implications for developers and organizations worldwide.

The Crucial Role of Code Signing

When users download software, they require two key assurances:

  1. The software was developed by a trustworthy party.
  2. The software hasn't been altered or tampered with since it was signed.

Code signing certificates provide these crucial assurances. By adding a digital signature to scripts or executables, developers validate their identity and ensure the file's integrity. This process makes the difference between gaining a new user and missing out on a download.

The New Mandate: Hardware-Based Key Storage

As of 2023, major Certificate Authorities (CAs) have mandated that all code signing certificates must be stored on hardware security modules (HSMs) or eTokens. This requirement applies to both standard and extended validation (EV) code signing certificates.

The industry's Code Signing Baseline Requirements now stipulate that all code signing private keys must be stored securely on Common Criteria EAL 4+ and FIPS 140-2 Level 2-compliant hardware. This enhancement ensures that digital signatures utilize secure hardware for increased security, further guaranteeing that the software remains unaltered.

Options for Secure Key Storage

Developers and organizations now have several options to meet these new requirements:

  1. Pre-configured USB Tokens:

    • CyberSSL's new service provides pre-configured tokens with installed certificates, delivered worldwide.
    • Other CAs also offer similar services, though often at higher price points.
  2. Existing USB Tokens:

    • Developers can use their own USB tokens, but must ensure they comply with CC EAL 4+ and FIPS 140-2 Level 2 standards.
  3. On-premises or Cloud-based HSMs:

    • These must meet the Common Criteria EAL 4+ and FIPS 140-2 Level 2 security requirements.
    • They must support externally verifiable key attestation.
    • Examples include Network Attached Luna HSM (version 7.x) and Luna Cloud HSM.

Popular HSM and eToken Options

  1. SafeNet eToken 5110 (offered by CyberSSL):
    • USB token form factor
    • Supports multiple cryptographic algorithms
    • Secure storage for up to 16 RSA key pairs
    • Tamper-evident casing

CyberSSL's Revolutionary Approach

CyberSSL's new worldwide delivery service for pre-configured USB tokens stands out in the market for several reasons:

  1. Unparalleled Accessibility: By offering global shipping, CyberSSL ensures that developers anywhere can access compliant hardware.

  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Priced just under $100, these tokens are significantly more affordable than many alternatives.

  3. Simplicity: Pre-installed certificates eliminate the need for complex setup procedures.

  4. Rapid Deployment: Developers can start signing code immediately upon receiving the token.

  5. Compliance Assurance: All tokens meet or exceed the latest industry standards.

How CyberSSL's Service Works

  1. Purchase: Customers order the pre-configured USB token through the CyberSSL website.
  2. Verification: CyberSSL verifies the customer's identity and eligibility.
  3. Delivery: The token is shipped directly to the customer's address worldwide.
  4. Activation: Upon receipt, the token is ready for immediate use.
  5. Support: CyberSSL provides ongoing support for integrating the token into the code signing workflow.

codes signing etoken 2023

Delivery Restrictions and Compliance

While CyberSSL's service offers unprecedented global access to code signing hardware, it's important to note that some restrictions apply due to international regulations:

  1. Sanctions Compliance: CyberSSL cannot ship to countries under international sanctions, including but not limited to:

    • Russia
    • Iran
    • North Korea
    • Syria
    • Cuba
    • Sudan
    • Venezuela (in some cases)
  2. Export Controls: The company strictly adheres to export control laws set by:

    • The U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
    • The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
    • The European Union's export control regime
    • United Nations Security Council resolutions

Customers are advised to check the most up-to-date information regarding sanctions and export controls when placing an order.

Impact on the Software Development Ecosystem

CyberSSL's innovative approach to providing affordable, pre-configured USB tokens is set to have far-reaching effects on the software development landscape:

  1. Democratization of Security: By making compliant hardware accessible and affordable, CyberSSL is enabling smaller developers and organizations to implement robust code signing practices.

  2. Accelerated Adoption: The simplicity of pre-configured tokens is likely to speed up the industry-wide transition to hardware-based code signing.

  3. Global Standardization: Worldwide availability of compliant hardware could lead to more uniform code signing practices across different regions.

  4. Reduced Barrier to Entry: New developers and small startups can now more easily incorporate professional-grade security measures into their workflows.

  5. Increased Trust in Software Distribution: As more developers adopt secure code signing practices, users' trust in downloaded software is likely to increase.

Future Trends in Code Signing Security

As the field of code signing security continues to evolve, several trends are emerging:

  1. Biometric Authentication: Integration of biometric factors for accessing HSMs and tokens, adding an extra layer of security.

  2. Quantum-Resistant Algorithms: Preparation for post-quantum cryptography to ensure long-term security of signed code.

  3. Blockchain Integration: Using blockchain technology for additional verification layers and immutable audit trails of code signing activities.

  4. AI-Powered Threat Detection: Implementing AI to detect potential misuse of code signing certificates and anomalies in signing patterns.

  5. IoT Device Signing: Expanding code signing practices to secure Internet of Things (IoT) devices, addressing the unique challenges of embedded systems.

  6. Cloud-Native Signing Solutions: Development of more integrated, cloud-based code signing workflows that maintain security while improving convenience.

  7. Automated Compliance Checking: Tools that automatically verify the compliance of signed code with various regulatory standards.

  8. Enhanced Key Management: More sophisticated key management solutions that offer better control and monitoring of code signing activities across large organizations.

Conclusion: A New Era of Accessible Security

The introduction of CyberSSL's worldwide USB token delivery service marks a significant milestone in the evolution of code signing security. By providing pre-configured, compliant hardware at an accessible price point, CyberSSL is addressing one of the major challenges in the implementation of the 2023 code signing requirements.

This service not only helps developers and organizations comply with new security standards but also democratizes access to professional-grade code signing tools. As a result, we can expect to see:

  1. Improved overall security in software distribution
  2. Increased adoption of code signing across all levels of software development
  3. Greater trust from end-users in downloaded software
  4. A more level playing field for developers and organizations of all sizes

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about these changes and complying with new security standards is crucial for maintaining trust and integrity in the software development ecosystem. CyberSSL's innovative approach demonstrates that with the right solutions, enhanced security can be both accessible and affordable, paving the way for a more secure digital future.

The coming years will likely see further innovations in code signing technology and practices. As threats evolve, so too will the methods to combat them. However, with services like CyberSSL's making compliance more accessible, the software development community is better equipped than ever to meet these challenges head-on.

For developers and organizations looking to enhance their code signing practices, now is the time to take advantage of these new, accessible solutions. By doing so, they not only protect their own software but also contribute to a safer, more trustworthy digital ecosystem for all.