There are multiple choices to get a completely free SSL Certificate for a website:
- A free trial SSL Certificate with
- An OpenSSL Certificate signed by a trustless Certificate Authority
As a trial SSL and a totally free HTTPS solution, CyberSSLcom offers the following FREE Certificates: Comodo FREE SSL Certificate for 90 DAYS and RapidSSL FREE SSL Certificate for 30 DAYS.
A free SSL Certificate is usually issued within 5 minutes, providing your website an uncompromised security solution, all the traffic being encrypted by https protocol.
Our free SSL Certificate provide same level of security, same trusted site seal and same level of confidence as a paid one. It is usually issued only for 30 days or 90 days. Trial SSL Cert is used for testing purposes and finally to make a decision to switch to a paid proper SSL Certificate.
Our Free SSL Certificates:
1. Comodo Trial SSL Certificate 90 DAYS
2. RapidSSL trial SSL Certificate 30 DAYS
After the trial period, the appropriate SSL Certificate can be ordered on the page with a suitable price:
However, it is possible to obtain a absolutely free certificate with unlimited validity, but it is necessary to prepare for some significant issues:
1. Most popular Web Browsers will support only trusted brands and known certificates authorities that have been in the industry for decades.
2. Users entering a website protected by a self-signed free SSL certificate, very likely, will get an error notification, that the website is not trusted and it is unsecure.
Example of an error notification for a truthless SSL Certificate:
These are the reasons why we recommend only well known brands and known trusted certificates authorities that are available on our website, because we care about your business.
Improve your security website and raise your trust level by choosing a Free SSL Certificate with