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Comodo Trial Free SSL

Comodo Trial SSL is a FREE certificate that is issued for a period of 30 days. It can be used for testing the efficiency of a standard Comodo SSL certificate, before making a purchase. The website owner will receive the certificate in less than 5 minutes, and there are no documents required for its issuance.

Comodo Trial SSL Certificate is valid for one single domain, including its www version. It comes with a 99,3% browser and mobile devices compatibility. It offers a Static Security Seal which informs your customers that your website is secured by a trusted SSL Certificate Authority.

Site Seal:
  • Secure lock in the Web Browser
  • Installation on your hosting/server*
  • SSL Boosts Your Google Ranking
  • End-user warranty: $250,000
  • Secures: secures one domain name
  • Server licensing: unlimited
  • Supported web-browsers: 99.5%
  • Secures both with/without 'www.': Yes
  • Verification: secures one domain name
  • Documents: No documents required
  • Issue time:1-15 minutes**
  • Key encryption: RSA 4096, ECC 384
  • Hash function: SHA2: SHA256
  • Certificate encryption: Up to 256-bit
  • Recommended retail price: $0.00
  • Trust level:
  • Site seal type: Static
Best Offer
$ 50
per year
Duration Price you Save
30 days $0.00/y 100%

About Comodo Trial SSL Certificate

This certificate is a FREE SSL certificate that can be used for testing purposes, as well as a temporary SSL certificate while your main SSL certificates are in the validation process. It offers up to 256bit protection, a Comodo Site Seal, and RSA/ECC keys, which means your website will be secured.

This FREE SSL certificate can be used also for the projects being in development, so you don't have to spend money on paid certificates.No documents are required for this type of certificates, which makes it a great choice for those who want a fast and simple solution to protect their website.

Your Comodo® Trial SSL Certificate is licensed for an unlimited number of physical servers, and both and are secured, which is very convenient considering many Certificate Authorities issue certificates for a limited number of servers, and require a separate SSL for www version of the website.

For example, if we receive an order for, both and will be backed up and included as values in the SAN fields of the issued SSL certificate.

Comodo Trial vs Rapid SSL Trial 

While offering similar security options, RapidSSL is a more reliable brand; however, it offers only 30 days of Trial Usage. Both certificates are issued within minutes. The other important difference is that Comodo supports Http, DNS, and https validation, while RapidSSL Trial supports only Email validation. That means in certain scenarios only Comodo certificate can be used.  Also, Comodo supports the following private keys RSA 2048, ECC 256, ECC 384, while other brands are limited to RSA 2048 and RSA 4096.

Why using Comodo Trial SSL With CyberSSL

CyberSSL offers premium support to any customers that bought or use our SSL certificates. Comodo Trial SSL certificate is no exception. We do offer Free installation service as well as FREE validation support. If we do have special requirements, we could charge an additional fee for our work. Our easy SSL management portal is another advantage for using CyberSSL as your main SSL certificate provider. We do offer easy to use interface for generating the private key, CSR code and downloading the finally received certificate.

Platforms Supported

We do support different Operating Systems as well as different web server software. Some of the operating systems supported are Linux, Windows Server, Unix, MacOS. Our SSL certificates can be used on different devices as well such as routers, NAS cloud stations, and smart switches.We have customers who successfully installed our SSL certificates to Microsoft Azure. Our platform provides all the necessary files you may need to install the SSL certificates to your required platform. If such files are not provided, we'll be glad to assist you.

Extended Applications and Use Cases

While the Comodo Trial SSL Certificate offers a 30-day free solution, we're excited to announce a special promotion: a 1 year free SSL certificate for eligible customers. This 1 year free SSL certificate provides extended security for various scenarios:

  1. Development and Staging Environments
    Whether you're using the 30-day trial or taking advantage of our 1 year free SSL certificate offer, these certificates are perfect for developers working on new websites or applications, providing a secure testing ground without immediate investment in a long-term SSL solution.

  2. Proof of Concept Projects
    When pitching new ideas or demonstrating prototypes to stakeholders, both the trial and 1 year free SSL certificate options ensure that sensitive data remains protected during presentations and initial testing phases.

  3. Short-Term Events and Campaigns
    For websites or applications that are active for a brief period, such as event registrations or limited-time marketing campaigns, the 30-day trial is ideal. For longer campaigns, our 1 year free SSL certificate offer provides extended coverage.

  4. Load Testing and Performance Evaluation
    When conducting stress tests or performance evaluations on new server setups, these certificates allow for realistic HTTPS traffic simulation without additional cost.

Advanced Technical Specifications

  1. Root Certificate Compatibility
    Both the Comodo Trial SSL and our 1 year free SSL certificate are cross-signed by multiple root certificates, ensuring broad compatibility across different systems and devices.

  2. OCSP and CRL Support
    These certificates support both Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL), providing real-time certificate validity checks.

  3. Wildcard Domain Support
    While not wildcard certificates themselves, they can be used to secure specific subdomains, making them useful for testing subdomain configurations before investing in a full wildcard certificate.

Best Practices for Usage

  1. Certificate Renewal Strategy
    For the 30-day trial, it's crucial to have a plan for transitioning to a permanent SSL solution before the period expires. With our 1 year free SSL certificate, you have more time to plan, but should still prepare for renewal well in advance.

  2. Regular Key Rotation
    Even for free certificates, it's recommended to generate new keys for each certificate issuance to maintain optimal security practices.

  3. Monitoring and Alerts
    Set up monitoring for the certificate's expiration date and configure alerts to ensure timely action before the trial or 1 year free SSL certificate period ends.

  4. Documentation and Learning
    Use the free certificate period as an opportunity to document the SSL implementation process, creating valuable resources for future deployments.

Integration with Security Tools

Both the Comodo Trial SSL Certificate and our 1 year free SSL certificate can be seamlessly integrated with various security and monitoring tools:

  1. Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)
    Compatible with popular WAFs, allowing for comprehensive security testing of your web applications.

  2. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Systems
    Can be monitored by SIEM solutions, providing valuable data on SSL/TLS usage and potential security events.

  3. Vulnerability Scanners
    Works with common vulnerability scanning tools, allowing for thorough security assessments of your HTTPS-enabled services.

Future-Proofing Considerations

While both the trial and 1 year free SSL certificate meet current security standards, it's important to consider future developments:

  1. Post-Quantum Cryptography
    As quantum computing advances, consider how your long-term SSL strategy will adapt to post-quantum cryptographic standards.

  2. Emerging Protocols
    Stay informed about emerging protocols and how they might impact your SSL usage, even with free certificates.

Remember, whether you're using the 30-day trial or our special 1 year free SSL certificate offer, these solutions provide an excellent opportunity to enhance your website's security and test SSL implementation without immediate financial commitment.


* Our Team will install the certificate on your webhosting/server that supports third-party SSLs.
SSL configuration for your website to work properly with SSL costs $50
Installation on the hosting/web service that doesn't support SSL costs $99 per year.

** In some cases, the SSL issuance process requires an additional 72 hours for manual data verification.